Applications are invited for filling up of 38 posts of Typists /Copyists, carrying the time scale of pay of Rs.8440-24950, in the A.P. High Court Service, by direct recruitment, as specified below:
(i) Must have passed the Intermediate examination conducted by the A.P. State Board of Intermediate Education or must possess any other equivalent qualification; and
(ii) Must have passed the Government Technical examination in Typewriting by Higher Grade in English, conducted by the State Board of Technical Education of Andhra Pradesh Government or any other equivalent qualification.
Preference will be given to candidates, possessing diploma /degree in computers, from the institutions recognized by the State or Central Government.
The candidates should possess all the requisite
Must have completed the age of 18 years and must not have completed the age of 34 years as on 01.07.2010. The upper age limit prescribed above is relaxable upto 5 years to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes, Backward Classes and upto 10 years in case of physically handicapped candidates.
How to Apply
The applications duly filled in along with the above enclosures should be sent by superscribing on the envelop as ‘Application for the post of Typist/Copyist’ to the Registrar (Administration), High Court of A.P., Hyderabad – 500 066, on or before 23-8-2010, by 5 p.m.
For More Information
Catbolic syrian bank

Last Date for Receipt of Application: 31st August 2010
Apply Online
Applications are invited from eligible Indian citizens for appointment as officers in Scale-I & II (Assistant Managers & Managers) for our branches.
1. Chartered Accountants
Vacancies – 20
Qualification - Pass in the final examination of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Age - 30 years as on 31.08.2010 5 years
2. Cost Accountants
Vacancies - 10
Qualification - Pass in the final examination of the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India
Age - 30 years as on 31.08.2010 5 years
Vacancies - 2
Qualification - Member of the institute of Company Secretaries of India
Age - 30 years as on 31.08.2010 5 years
Vacancies - 20
Qualification - Post Graduate Degree/ Diploma in Business Administration with 60% marks from a recognized Indian University/approved institute. Due weightage will be given for candidates who have acquired degree with specialization in finance .(The course should be with a minimum 2 years full time duration)
Age - 25 years as on 31.08.2010 5 Years 5. Law Officer
Vacancies - 5
Qualification - LLB with 50% marks
Age - 30 years as on 31.08.2010 5 Years
2 years experience as an advocate in any of the courts for law officers
Selected candidates will be placed on probation for a period of one year. Bank reserves the right to extend the period of probation for any further period/s or to terminate the service even during the period of probation without any notice and without assigning any reason whatsoever. During the period of probation, they will be eligible for emoluments depending on the place of posting, applicable to officers of the Bank in junior management grade (Scale-I) or middle management grade (Scale-II) depending on their calibre and exposure.
They will be placed on pay scale applicable to the grade viz., Scale-I : 14500 – 600/7 – 18700 – 700/2 – 20100 – 800/7 – 25700 // Scale-II : 19400 – 700/1 – 20100 – 800/10 – 28100. At the present rate of DA, starting total emoluments would be around Rs.21000/- pm for Scale-I and Rs.27000/- pm for Scale-II. Perquisites as HRA/reimbursement of rent, allowance for fuel, etc shall be according to place of posting and shall be paid extra.
For More Information
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