APTransco came into existence on 1.02.1999 as a consequence of restructuring of the erstwhile AP State Electricity Board (APSEB) to look after Trans-mission of Electricity in Andhra Pradesh.From Feb 1999 to June 2005 APTransco remained as Single buyer in the state – purchasing power from various Generators and selling it to DISCOMs in accordance with the terms and conditions of the individual PPAs at Bulk Supply Tariff (BST) rates.
AP Transco Recruitment ofJunior Accounts Officer
Post : Junior Accounts Officer
No of Posts : 26
Qualification : B.Com. 1stclass (or) M.Com. 1st class from any recognized University in India (or) pass in CA – Inter (or) pass in ICWA-Inter
FEE : Each applicant must pay Rs. 150/- (Rupees One hundred and Fifty Only) towards Application Processing Fee.
i)Applicants under General category must also pay RS.350/- (Three Hundred and Fifty ONLY) towards Examination Fee in addition to the Application Processing Fee.
ii)Applicants belonging to SC/ST/BC Communities and PH need not pay Exam fee.
How to apply : Candidates shall submit the application only through onlinemode well in advance of the last date, to avoid last day rush.
Important dates :
Starting date forPayment of Fee and Application submission is 10-08-2010.
Last date for payment of Fee at AP Online is 30-08-2010.
Last date for submission of Application is 31-08-2010 up to 7 P.M.
AP Transco Recruitment of
Post : Junior Accounts Officer
No of Posts : 26
Qualification : B.Com. 1st
FEE : Each applicant must pay Rs. 150/- (Rupees One hundred and Fifty Only) towards Application Processing Fee.
i)Applicants under General category must also pay RS.350/- (Three Hundred and Fifty ONLY) towards Examination Fee in addition to the Application Processing Fee.
ii)Applicants belonging to SC/ST/BC Communities and PH need not pay Exam fee.
How to apply : Candidates shall submit the application only through online
Important dates :
Starting date for
Last date for payment of Fee at AP Online is 30-08-2010.
Last date for submission of Application is 31-08-2010 up to 7 P.M.
Click here for more details and to apply online
Mahadiscom Jr operator and Jr Technician Recruitment Results | Mahadiscom Selected Candidates List | Mahadiscom Recruitments | www.mahadiscom.in
Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) came into existence on June 6, 2005 after unbundling the erstwhile Maharashtra State Electricity Board into four companies. MSEDCL is also known as Mahavitaran or Mahadiscom. Mahadiscom is one of the largest public sector company engaged in the business of electricity distribution with annual turnover of Rs. 21,278 Crores. It serves 156.96 Lakh consumers in Maharashtra State with a committed pool of over 75000 employees.
Mahadiscom declares Selected list for the posts of Jr.Operator & Jr.Technician.
The selected candidates will have to serve anywhere in the territorial jurisdiction of Nashik Zone .
BHEL Jobs August 2010 | Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Recruitment 2010 | BHEL Vacancies 2010 | www.bhel.com
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL )
(Government of India Undertaking)
Bhel Needs Experienced Engineers for Power Project Sites
Important Dates
1. Start of Online Submission – 17.08.2010
2. Close of Online Submission – 01.09.2010
3. Last Date for receipt of Hard Copies – 08.09.2010
4. Last Date of receipt of Hard Copies from far flung areas – 15.09.2010
Experienced Engineers in Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Instrumentation Engineering for project sites of Power Sector Northern Region(PSNR), Power Sector Eastern Region(PSER) and power Sector Western Region(PSWR).
1. Dy. Manager (E3) - 74 posts, Pay-Scale - Rs. 32900 - 58000
2. Manager (E4) - 24 posts, Pay-Scale - Rs. 36600 - 62000
3. Sr. Manager (E5) - 14 posts, Pay-Scale - Rs. 43200 - 66000
4. Dy. Gen. Manager (E6) - 12 posts, Pay-Scale - Rs. 43200 - 66000
How to Apply
Completed application sent to,
Sh. A.K. Behera, AGM (HR), BHEL PS-NR, HRD & ESI Complex, Plot no. 25, Sec. 16A, P.B. No. 55, Noida-201301 (UP)
For More Information
www.kstcl.org | KSTCL Jobs 2010 | Kerala State Textile Corporation Ltd Recruitment 2010 | KSTCL Vacancies 2010
(A Government of Kerala Undertaking)
Annapoorna, T.C.9/2000-01, Kochar Road, Sasthamangalam,
TRIVANDRUM – 695 010.
Ph: 0471 2726295, E.mail : per@kstcl.orgWebsite : www.kstcl.org
Invites applications for the following posts in the Textile Mills/Unit of the Corporation, located in the Districts of Calicut, Alleppey, Trivandrum and Trichur, on permanent/contract basis for one year:
1. General Manager – 1 Post (Kozhikode) - Permanent
2. Assistant Manager (Personnel) – 1 Post (Alleppey) – Contract )
3. Administration-in-charge --1 post (Trivandrum) - Contract )
4. Supervisor (Textiles) 2 posts (Trichur) - Contract )
5. Shift-in-charge --3 posts (Trivandrum) - Contract )
6. Supervisor (Electrical) --1 post (Kottayam ) - Contract ) Walk-in-interview
7. Supervisor (Elec. & Electronics)--1 post(Trivandrum) - Contract )
8. Training-in-charge --2 posts ( Kottayam & Calicut) - Contract )
9. Junior Assistant – 3 posts (Alleppey) - Contract ) .
10. Peon-cum-Watcher – 1 Post (Trivandrum) - Contract )
Walk in interview for posts (2 to 10) on 19 AUG 10 at 1.00 p.m. in the Centre for Applied Research & Development in Textiles, Sasthamangalam, Trivandrum.
For More Information
Tata Steel Careers 2010 | Tata Steel Jamshedpur Recruitment 2010 |www.careers.tatasteel.com
Advertisement For Tata Steel Expansion Projects(Engineering Degree Holders with Experience)

TATA STEEL invites young and dynamic engineers with experience in the following areas of operations, Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance:
1. Coke Making
2. Cold Rolling
3. Continuous Casting
4. Hot Rolling
5. Iron Making
6. Mining
7. Pallet Making
8. Power Plant
9. Refractory
10. Sinter Making
11. Steel Making
12. Thin Slab Caster
Educational Qualifications: B.E. / B.Tech. degree in Ceramics/ Chemical / Civil / Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation/ Mechanical / Metallurgical / Mining /Telecommunication from reputed and recognised institute >
Experience: Two to ten years of relevant experience in Operations / Maintenance. Experience in Steel Plant will be given preference
Last Date: 4th September
Email queries at: talent@tatasteel.com
For More Information
[Application Form For Tata Steel Expansion Projects(Engineering Degree Holders with Experience)]
For More Details
www.himachal.nic.in |Himachal Pradesh University 23 Clerk Jobs 2010 | Himachal Pradesh University Recruitment 2010
Himachal Pradesh University
“Recruitment Branch”
Name of the Post –Clerk
Vacancies – 23
Pay-Scale - Initial of the Pay Band Rs. 5910/- + Rs.1900 Grade pay = Rs.7810/-
Essential Qualifications & other conditions
10+2 examination from a recognized University/ Board and Possess a speed of 30 WPM in English or 25 WPM in Hindi typewriting with knowledge of Computer Application related to office work (Word Processing, Electronic Spreadsheet).
Provided that the condition of qualifying in the typewriting test will not apply in case of Physically handicapped person who are otherwise eligible for appointment to the post of Clerk in the University under these rules and who are certified as being unable to type by the Medical Officer of the University or by a CivilSurgeon . Age Limit: Candidate must not be less than 18 years of age and not more than 45 years of age as on the last date for the receipt of application form i.e. 15th September, 2010.
How to Apply
The prescribed application forms can be obtained from the office of the Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Branch, H. P. University, Shimla-5 either personally on payment of Rs.50/- in cash or by sending a Indian Postal Order of Rs.50/- drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5 payable at Shimla accompanied by self addressed envelope of 23 x 10 cm size withpostage stamps worth Rs.10/- affixed on it.
For More Information
Mahadiscom declares Selected list for the posts of Jr.
The selected candidates will have to serve anywhere in the territorial jurisdiction of Nashik Zone .
Click here for Selected candidates List
www.isac.gov.in | ISAC Recruitment 2010 | Scientist/Engineer SC | ISRO Vacancies 2010
Department of Space
Indian Space Research Organisation

ADVERTISEMENT No. 01/10 DATED 02-08-2010
ISRO offers the position of Scientist/Engineer `SC' in the pay band of Rs.15600-39100/- + Grade Pay Rs.5400 to the to young engineering graduates in the following vacancies :
• For Civil and Electrical disciplines BE/B.Tech/B.Sc.,(Engg) in Civil / Electrical or Electrical and Electronics in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters /years for which results are available) • For Architecture:- Bachelor degree in Architecture with first class with an aggregate minimum of 65% and registration with council of Architecture (Registrationcertificate to be produced at the time of Interview)
• Final semester/year students are also eligible to apply provided the aggregate of all the previous (including Pre-final) semester/years as indicated above and the final Degree result is available by 30.10.2010.
Application Fee
Application Fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) for each application. Demand Draft details need to be filled-in at the time of on-line registration. Women candidates, Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. The candidate before filing his application has to take a DD for Rs.100/- from any of the NationalizedBank in favour of the Sr. Accounts Officer, ISRO HQ, Bangalore, payable at Bangalore Age Limit - 35 years as on last date prescribed for receipt of application (40 years in case of SC/ST candidates and 38 years for OBC candidates, Ex-serviceman and Persons with Disabilities[PWD] are eligible for age relaxation as per Govt. of India orders)
How to Apply
The application for on-line registration will be hosted in the ISRO web-site between 17-08-2010 and 08-09-2010. Candidates may visit our web-site at www.isro.gov.in to register their applications on-line between 17-08-2010 and 08-09-2010. Applications will be received on-line only. Upon registration, applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved forfuture reference. E-mail ID of the applicant will have to be given in the application compulsorily.
For More Information
www.isac.gov.in | ISAC Recruitment 2010 | Scientist/Engineer SC | ISRO Vacancies 2010
Department of Space
Indian Space Research Organisation

Recruitment of Scientists/Engineers 'SC' with Post Graduate degree in Engineering/ Science
ISRO offers the position of Scientist/Engineer `SC' in the pay band of Rs.15600-39100/- + Grade Pay Rs.5400 to the to young engineering graduates in the following vacancies :
- Scientist/Engineer SC - Architecture - 02 posts
- Scientist/Engineer SC - Civil - 05 posts
- Scientist/Engineer SC - Electrical - 05 posts
• For Civil and Electrical disciplines BE/B.Tech/B.Sc.,(Engg) in Civil / Electrical or Electrical and Electronics in First Class with an aggregate minimum of 65% (average of all semesters /years for which results are available) • For Architecture:- Bachelor degree in Architecture with first class with an aggregate minimum of 65% and registration with council of Architecture (Registration
• Final semester/year students are also eligible to apply provided the aggregate of all the previous (including Pre-final) semester/years as indicated above and the final Degree result is available by 30.10.2010.
Application Fee
Application Fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) for each application. Demand Draft details need to be filled-in at the time of on-line registration. Women candidates, Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST) and Persons with Disabilities (PWD) candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee. The candidate before filing his application has to take a DD for Rs.100/- from any of the Nationalized
How to Apply
The application for on-line registration will be hosted in the ISRO web-site between 17-08-2010 and 08-09-2010. Candidates may visit our web-site at www.isro.gov.in to register their applications on-line between 17-08-2010 and 08-09-2010. Applications will be received on-line only. Upon registration, applicants will be provided with an on-line Registration Number, which should be carefully preserved for
For More Information
BHEL Jobs August 2010 | Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited Recruitment 2010 | BHEL Vacancies 2010 | www.bhel.com

(Government of India Undertaking)
Bhel Needs Experienced Engineers for Power Project Sites
Important Dates
1. Start of Online Submission – 17.08.2010
2. Close of Online Submission – 01.09.2010
3. Last Date for receipt of Hard Copies – 08.09.2010
4. Last Date of receipt of Hard Copies from far flung areas – 15.09.2010
Experienced Engineers in Civil / Mechanical / Electrical / Instrumentation Engineering for project sites of Power Sector Northern Region(PSNR), Power Sector Eastern Region(PSER) and power Sector Western Region(PSWR).
1. Dy. Manager (E3) - 74 posts, Pay-Scale - Rs. 32900 - 58000
2. Manager (E4) - 24 posts, Pay-Scale - Rs. 36600 - 62000
3. Sr. Manager (E5) - 14 posts, Pay-Scale - Rs. 43200 - 66000
4. Dy. Gen. Manager (E6) - 12 posts, Pay-Scale - Rs. 43200 - 66000
How to Apply
Completed application sent to,
Sh. A.K. Behera, AGM (HR), BHEL PS-NR, HRD & ESI Complex, Plot no. 25, Sec. 16A, P.B. No. 55, Noida-201301 (UP)
For More Information
www.kstcl.org | KSTCL Jobs 2010 | Kerala State Textile Corporation Ltd Recruitment 2010 | KSTCL Vacancies 2010

Annapoorna, T.C.9/2000-01, Kochar Road, Sasthamangalam,
Ph: 0471 2726295, E.mail : per@kstcl.org
Invites applications for the following posts in the Textile Mills/Unit of the Corporation, located in the Districts of Calicut, Alleppey, Trivandrum and Trichur, on permanent/
1. General Manager – 1 Post (Kozhikode) - Permanent
2. Assistant Manager (Personnel) – 1 Post (Alleppey) – Contract )
3. Administration-in-charge --1 post (Trivandrum) - Contract )
4. Supervisor (Textiles) 2 posts (Trichur) - Contract )
5. Shift-in-charge --3 posts (Trivandrum) - Contract )
6. Supervisor (Electrical) --1 post (
7. Supervisor (Elec. & Electronics)--1 post(Trivandrum) - Contract )
8. Training-in-charge --2 posts ( Kottayam & Calicut) - Contract )
9. Junior Assistant – 3 posts (Alleppey) - Contract ) .
10. Peon-cum-Watcher – 1 Post (Trivandrum) - Contract )
Walk in interview for posts (2 to 10) on 19 AUG 10 at 1.00 p.m. in the Centre for Applied Research & Development in Textiles, Sasthamangalam, Trivandrum.
For More Information
Tata Steel Careers 2010 | Tata Steel Jamshedpur Recruitment 2010 |www.careers.tatasteel.com

TATA STEEL invites young and dynamic engineers with experience in the following areas of operations, Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance:
1. Coke Making
2. Cold Rolling
3. Continuous Casting
4. Hot Rolling
5. Iron Making
6. Mining
7. Pallet Making
8. Power Plant
9. Refractory
10. Sinter Making
11. Steel Making
12. Thin Slab Caster
Educational Qualifications: B.E. / B.Tech. degree in Ceramics/ Chemical / Civil / Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation/ Mechanical / Metallurgical / Mining /
Experience: Two to ten years of relevant experience in Operations / Maintenance. Experience in Steel Plant will be given preference
Last Date: 4th September
Email queries at: talent@tatasteel.com
For More Information
[Application Form For Tata Steel Expansion Projects(Engineering Degree Holders with Experience)]
For More Details
www.himachal.nic.in |Himachal Pradesh University 23 Clerk Jobs 2010 | Himachal Pradesh University Recruitment 2010

“Recruitment Branch”
Advertisement No. 2/2010 Dated: 12th August, 2010
Applications on the prescribed form are invited for the 23 posts of Clerks to be filled on Contractual basis from those Himachalis domicile fulfilling essential educational, technical qualification and other conditions mentioned below and whose names are registered on the live Register of any of Employment Exchange of Himachal Pradesh on the last date of application. Duly filled in application form should reach the Office of the Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Section, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5 latest by 15th September, 2010 along with fee of Rs.300/- (Rs.75/- for SC/ST candidates) in the shape of Indian Postal Orders drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla -5 payable at Shimla.
Name of the Post –
Vacancies – 23
Pay-Scale - Initial of the Pay Band Rs. 5910/- + Rs.1900 Grade pay = Rs.7810/-
Essential Qualifications & other conditions
10+2 examination from a recognized University/ Board and Possess a speed of 30 WPM in English or 25 WPM in Hindi typewriting with knowledge of Computer Application related to office work (Word Processing, Electronic Spreadsheet).
Provided that the condition of qualifying in the typewriting test will not apply in case of Physically handicapped person who are otherwise eligible for appointment to the post of Clerk in the University under these rules and who are certified as being unable to type by the Medical Officer of the University or by a Civil
How to Apply
The prescribed application forms can be obtained from the office of the Assistant Registrar, Recruitment Branch, H. P. University, Shimla-5 either personally on payment of Rs.50/- in cash or by sending a Indian Postal Order of Rs.50/- drawn in favour of Finance Officer, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla-5 payable at Shimla accompanied by self addressed envelope of 23 x 10 cm size with
For More Information
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