in Railway

The examination will be held this year as per the syllabus given in the notification issued by the North Eastern Railway. The selection procedure will be go through by written test followed by interview. The following are the information to see whether you are eligible or not. To get the complete detail about the vacancies / jobs go the main advertisement of the – North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur i.e.
About North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur

Main Detail about – North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur
Application on plain A-4 size paper, in the given format are invited from the citizens of India and from such other persons declared eligible by Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India for filling up 4708 Group ‘D’ posts in the Divisions and Workshops of North Eastern Railway and DLW/Varanasi.North Eastern Railway Administration reserves the right to allot the successful candidates any of the posts/place ;in North Eastern Railway & DLW/Varanasi. Date and time of examination will be fixed by Railway Board.
Group – D/DLW
- No. of Vacancies: 4708 posts
- Category of Posts: Helper Khalasi, Coupling Khalasi, L-C Porter, Box Porter, Kantawala/Shunt Man, Gate Man, Helper/Trolleyman, Hamal, Diesel Khalasi, Trackman/Gangman, Peon, Running Room (Bearer), Safaiwala
- Pay Scale: PB-1 of Rs. 5200-20200 with grade pay Rs. 1800
- Age Limit: 18 to 33 years and will be reckoned as on 01.01.2011
- Qualification : Minimum 10th pass or ITI or equivalent. Those candidates who are appearing in and/or awaiting results of final examination of class 10th are not eligible. Academic qualification must be from recognized Educational Institution/Board, otherwise candidature will be rejected.
Complete Information go to: Advertisement
Closing date for submission of application: Last date for receipt of application form: 12/02/2011 and .Alternatively, applications received after closing date and time will not be entertained. 1.3 For candidates staying in Andaman-Nicobar-Lakshdweep islands. Closing date will be 27.02.2011 to the following address:
“Assistant Personnel Officer (Recruitment). Railway Recruitment Cell, North Eastern Railway Headquarters. CCM’s Annexe Building, Railway Road No. 14,Gorakhkpur. Uttar Pradesh 273012″
Examination Fees:
The Examination fee for unreserved and OBC candidates is Rs 40/- (Rs Forty only). Candidates belonging to SC/ST/ Women/ Minority Community and Economically Weaker Section and PH category are exempted from payment of examination fees 5.2 The Examination fee should be paid in the form of Account Payee Demand Draft from any Nationalised Bank or Indian Postal Order from any Post Office drawn in favour of ‘Asstt. Personnel Officer (Recruitment), RRC, N .E.Railway and payable at Gorakkhpur. Validity of Bank Draft/Pay order should be of at least six months.
How to Apply
1. Candidate should carefully read the instructions in this Employment Notice for filling up Application Form. 6.2 Application should be made on a good quality white paper of A4 size (210mm x 297mm) using ONE SIDE ONLY.
2. The candidate should use the FORMAT published in the Employment Notice. Application having any change in the format will be rejected.
3. The candidates have to fill up required information with Blue/Black Gel Pen/Ball Point Pen in his/her own handwriting.
4. The application should be Candidate should carefully read the instructions in this Employment Notice for filling up Application Form.
5. Application should be made on a good quality white paper of A4 size (210mm x 297mm) using ONE SIDE ONLY.
6. The candidate should use the FORMAT published in the Employment Notice. Application having any change in the format will be rejected.
7. The candidates have to fill up required information with Blue/Black Gel Pen/Ball Point Pen in his/her own handwriting.
Complete Information about – North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur
The above information is only to see whether you are eligible or not. To get the complete information about the – North Eastern Railway Gorakhpur, you have to see the main advertisement. Application format and application form has also given in the main advertisement of the company. Interested candidates can apply as per the rules and regulation.
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