in Railway

The examination will be held this year as per the syllabus given in the notification issued by the South Central Railway. The selection procedure will be go through by written test followed by interview. The following are the information to see whether you are eligible or not. To get the complete detail about the vacancies / jobs go the main advertisement of the – South Central Railway Recruitment 2011 i.e.
Main Detail about – South Central Railway Recruitment 2011
Candidates to note that all the Zonal Railways are likely to issue Notification for recruitment to the posts individually. The Physical Efficiency Test will be held by all the Railways during the same period simultaneously. Similarly, the Written Examination for those who qualify in the Physical Efficiency Test will be held on the same day, simultaneously by all the Railways. Candidates should keep this in mind before applying for any particular Notification.
- No. of Vacancies: 5005 posts
Yard Potter
- No. of Vacancies: 1100 posts
- No. of Vacancies: 2061 posts
- No. of Vacancies: 380 posts
- No. of Vacancies: 139 posts
- No. of Vacancies: 45 posts
Age: 18-33 years as on 01/01/2011. Relaxation in age as per rules.
Pay Band-1 of Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay of Rs.1800/-
Complete Information go to: Advertisement
Closing Date for Submission of Application: 14/02/2011
1. Rs.40/- (forty only) payable in a form of crossed Demand Draft from State Bank of India or from any other Nationalized Bank or crossed Indian Postal Order drawn in favour of Assistant Personnel Officer, Railway Recruitment Cell, Secunderabad – 500 071. Remittance of examination fee in any other form will not be accepted. These instruments should not have been issued earlier to 15.12.2010.
2. Candidates should write their name and address at the back of the Indian Postal Order/Demand Draft.
How to Apply
1. Candidates should submit the applications in the format annexed as Annexure- 1 to this Notification.
2. The application should be on good quality A-4 size bond paper (80 GSM) using one side only. News paper cuttings should not be used as applications.
3. Candidates should ensure that application on a single sheet conforming to the above specifications. The candidates can also download the application format from the web site: Candidates using printed application form from any other source should ensure that it conforms to the prescribed format.
4. Candidates should fill up the application form in his/her own handwriting either in Hindi or in English with blue or black ball point pen only.
5. Candidates will be considered for the post applied only. Candidates shall mention their order of priority / choice in the column -1 of application form.
Complete Information about – South Central Railway Recruitment 2011
The above information is only to see whether you are eligible or not. To get the complete information about the – South Central Railway Recruitment 2011, you have to see the main advertisement. Application format and application form has also given in the main advertisement of the company. Interested candidates can apply as per the rules and regulation
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